O poveste extrem de tristă.
Un britanic de 58 de ani, Steve Smith, a câştigat la loteria naţională aproape 19 milioane de lire sterline (aproape 38 milioane de dolari). Totul frumos până acum, nu?
Steve Smith suferă de un defect congenital cardiac, ce-i dă aproximativ 10% şanse de supravieţuire. Spune că ar da toţi banii câştigaţi în schimbul a încă vreo câţiva ani cu soţia sa, Ida.
Uneori, viaţa se plictiseşte teribil, şi arată cât de ironică poate fi.
Retired hospital porter Steve Smith, who is suffering from a potentially fatal heart defect, won almost 19 million pounds ($38 million) on Britain’s National Lottery — but said he would give it all up if he could spend a few more years living with his wife Ida.
“I have a one in 10 chance of living. It’s like a ticking time bomb,” said the 58-year-old Smith, enjoying a bittersweet glass of celebratory champagne with his wife Ida.
Smith, who has an aortic aneurysm, told reporters when collecting his check: “It’s Ida I worry for, it’s leaving her behind. I would give all that back if I am allowed to still be with her because there are no shops in the cemetery are there?”
Smith landed the giant prize with an extra stroke of luck — the couple stopped off on the way home from a family visit to buy some lucky dip tickets and it was one of those which hit the jackpot.
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