all guns blazing

Judas Priest – All Guns Blazing, pentru dărâmat şi depăşiri excesive ale vitezei legale.

Twisting the strangle grip
Wont give no mercy
Feeling those tendons rip
Torn up and mean

Blastmaster racks the ground
Bent on survival
Full throttle hammers down
A deadly scream

All guns, all guns blazing

Forced into overdrive
Drawn out of anger
All talons poison dipped
Impaling spike

Heart pounding fever pitch
Blood pumping fury
Two fisted dynamo
Eager to strike

All guns, all guns blazing

Cross cutting thundercharge
Blade of destruction
Flame throwing hurricane
Destroys the cage

Bone crushing alien
God of salvation
Sad wings that heaven sent
Wipes out in rage

All guns, all guns blazing

4 thoughts on “all guns blazing

  1. Emile … nu vreau să mă gândesc. Deocamdată nu îmi merge CD playerul, şi cred că e mai bine aşa 😀

  2. Neliniştitule, ai avut dreptate bre ! Da’ când mergem la Nehoiu, să îmi iei CDul cu de-astea din maşină … că mă recuperezi din râpe 😀

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