Dintr-o ipotetică Wikipedia din 2060:
The Romanian Republic was a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, on the Lower Danube, within and outside the Carpathian arch, bordering on the Black Sea. Romania shared a border with Hungary and Serbia to the west, Ukraine and Moldova to the northeast and east, and Bulgaria to the south.
In 2007 it joined the European Union, a decision which was not well received among the member states. However, the country failed to join the Schengen Area in 2011 due to negative votes from Netherlands and Finland. Both EU members stated that Romania’s general insecurity, high levels of corruption and massive faults in the justice system fail to qualify the country for Schengen membership.
The national census carried out in 2011 revealed a shocking reality: out of the approximately 21.7 million people counted in 2002, only 13.2 million are left. A harsh economic environment after failure to use european funds to boost the industry was combined with a general lack of education, leading Romania to have one of the highest illiteracy rates in the EU. Members of the middle class from various area of work emigrated in high numbers to find a better quality of life, only returning to Romania for holidays and financial support of relatives which refused to leave. The afflux of cash kept the national economy running until the year 2017, when Romania became the first state to be banned from the EU. Ironically, the decision was taken in a meeting presided by Bulgaria, now the 2nd largest economy in the EU and their economical competitor for the first decade of the century.
A quick bankruptcy followed; after being unable to provide the basic amenities of life to people, all members of the government resigned. No other party or person attempted to participate in free elections or attempt to run the country. Romanian territory was split once again into Banat, Dobruja, Moldavia, Bukovina, Transylvania and Wallachia with the border territories being managed by adjacent countries. Wallachia is currently the last remaining Romanian territory.
Ce, vi se pare imposibil ?
Foarte probabil. Cel mai probabil scenariu este cumpararea datoriei Romananiei de catre rusi si o secatuire a resurserlor ramase(gas/petrol/aur/uraniu/lemn).
Păi știi că ultima teorie a conspirației zice că Europa va sucomba fie unui comunism ruso-chinez, fie religiei recent “primăvăratice”…
Scenariu posibil doar ca…. “No other party or person attempted to participate in free elections or attempt to run the country.”-aici au gresit. Daca mai apuc sa traiesc pana atunci, poate voi fi singurul care va candida la presedentie.
Ca să candidezi, tre’ să mai fie cineva care să le și organizeze
Scenarii… scenarii….. La ce bun ?
Vor continua sa se inmulteasca si sa puiasca tiganii la fel de natural si rezistent ca si pana acum . Prin 2060 va fi deja oficiala Tzigania (in limitele acelorasi granite si a aceluiasi logo turistic) iar vestile cu netiganii romani de pretutindeni vor fi un soi de exotisme.
Si da, iata ca se poate si mai rau. Si fara rusi, zic
Șșșș, nu știi că este politically incorrect să vorbești așa ? a nu se-nțelege că-l admir în vreun fel de Brejvik, dar îl respect pentru c-a ales să refuze apărarea avocaților bazată pe eterna placă a “nebuniei temporare”.
Eh, vazand rezultatele de la referendum se pare ca s-au inselat o tzara, suntem 19 nu 13 mil.
Nu-s de acord ca nu vor mai fi politicieni, lichelele nu dispar…
Ba da, dispar; atunci când nu mai e nimic de furat, deci dispare motivația