stuff my manager said – part I

Whoa, what a long break. Let’s take off again with something good.

Everything below was said by my (past) manager. Please keep in mind we’re talking about someone who’s supposed to be talking daily with customers around world and manage teams of different nationalities in different countries. I’ve added the “translation” after each paragraph. People’s names have been changed to protect the innocent. Enjoy.

Dorel will open sub-task and you can truck your cases here.

which would mean in Romanian:
Dorel va deschide sub-atribuție și poți camion cazurile aici.
and it should be:
Dorel will open a sub-task and you can
track your cases here.

please help me crating related Jira tickets.

which would mean in Romanian:
te rog ajută-mă ambalând tichetele înrudite Jira
and it should be:
please help me in creating/to create related Jira tickets.

[14:53:23] do you know which machine,
[14:54:51] task schuder configure it?

which would mean in Romanian:
știi ce mașină / task schuder configurează ea?
and it should be:
do you know on which machine [the task] is configured in task scheduler?

In an email, talking about a scheduled meeting (this was also sent to our customer):

08.08.2013 Thuesday;

which would mean in Romanian:
08.08.2013 Jomarți

[12:34:39] neigghbour definitions that has be defined,
[12:34:51] and directions,
[12:34:55] which case this one?

which would mean in Romanian:
definițiile vecinilor care are fi definite, și direcții, care caz acesta?
and it should be:
neighbour definitions and directions that have been defined; which case
is it ?

please be attantion to put under

which would mean in Romanian:
rog fi atenție a pune sub
and it should be:
please pay attention where you put [the case]

I have released that,in CUSTOMER daily check,there is below error 
but in CUSTOMER ,there is no vendor.

which would mean in Romanian:
Am eliberat că, în verificarea zilnică pentru CLIENT, există eroarea de mai jos dar în CLIENT, nu există furnizor.
and it should be:
I’ve realized that the below error appears in CUSTOMER’s daily checks, but the vendor doesn’t exist.

We have started "very" urgent to resolve problem and findout problem ;

which would mean in Romanian:
Am început “foarte” urgent să rezolvăm problema și găsim problema
and it should be:
We have started urgently to find the problem cause and its solution

Upgrade have been completed suceesfully,

which would mean in Romanian:
Actualizare au fost completată cu succes
and it should be:
Upgrade has been completed successfully

This is about an application called “Migrator.UI”. It has become:

We have run mirgetor.iu

which would mean in Romanian:
Am rulat mirgetor.iu
and it should be:
We have ran Migrator.UI

Please attantion below part,

which would mean in Romanian:
Rog atenție partea mai jos
and it should be:
Please pay attention to the part below

If it runs, filling datas wont be started. Only it will displays status of convertion.

which would mean in Romanian:
Dacă rulează, completarea datelor nu va fi pornită. Numai va afișa starea conversiei.
and it should be:
If it runs, data filling won’t be started; it will only display the conversion status.

update the confulence documentation 

which would mean in Romanian:
actualizează documentație Confulence
and it should be:
update the Confluence documentation

[17:04:20] Manager: MyName,
[17:04:27] MyName: yes ?
[17:04:48] Manager: never mind,

Self explanatory.

Please check this mail, PROGRAM sent email ... and causing outlook crash!

This is actually an PEBKAC problem. We had a monitoring problem which sent out 1 email each morning to several people, with an file attachment usually sized between 100-200 kbytes. Due to an error, it sent an 18 megabyte email causing some Outlooks to crash. One of the alarm recipients thought it’d be a good idea to do a “reply all” … while keeping the 18 megabyte attachment and resending it again, to everyone.

What is the status of working ,when i hsve conncted machine, platform was closed, below 
all mails are russian but when i translate, it says Saturday and Sunday platform will be
closed and now we are waiting to them inform to us if their work finish or not? Right?

which would mean in Romanian:

Care este starea lucrând, când am conectat mașina, platforma era închis, mai jos toate emailurile sunt rusă dar când traduc, scrie că platforma va fi închisă Sâmbătă și Duminică și acum așteptăm la ei informa la noi dacă munca lor sfârșit sau nu? Corect?

and it should be:

what’s the work status ? when I’ve connected to the machine, the platform was closed. All emails you sent previously are in Russian and when I translate them it says the machine will be closed on Saturday and Sunday. Are we waiting for them to inform us if the work’s finished or not? Corect ?

I have get alarm mails from MACHINENAME, discspace,did you check it?

which would mean in Romanian:
Am primesc emailuri alarmă de la MACHINENAME, spațiudisc, l-ai verificat?
and it should be:
I’ve received alarm emails from MACHINENAME regarding disk space. Did you check it ?

and here is scripts, but that script is disable

which would mean in Romanian:
și aici este scripturile, dar acel script e dezactiva
and it should be:
and here are the scripts, although that script is disabled

There is no jop for this script.

which would mean in Romanian:
Nu există job pentru acest script.
and it should be:
There is no job for this script.

.Lastest package has been get from CUSTOMERNAME.

which would mean in Romanian:
Ultimecentul pachet a fost luat de la NUMECLIENT.
and it should be:
Latest package has been gotten from CUSTOMERNAME.

this is standart node addition,

which would mean in Romanian:
Este adăugare standart de nod
and it should be:
this is standard addition of a node

There is no backup belongs to CUSTOMERNAME in PROGRAMNAME please urgent 
check problem and fix it.

which would mean in Romanian:
Nu există backup aparține la NUMECLIENT în NUMEPROGRAM rog urgent verifică problema și repar-o
and it should be:
There’s no backup belonging to CUSTOMERNAME in PROGRAMNAME. Please check the problem urgently and fix it.

And also there was some mails from us that doesnt reply,could you also consider
 that mails as well.

which would mean in Romanian:
Și de asemenea au fost niște emailuri de la noi care nu răspunde, puteți considera acel emailuri de asemenea.
and it should be:
And also there were some emails from us to which you didn’t reply; can you also consider those emails as well.

please upgrade PROGRAMNAME with using below version.

which would mean in Romanian:
te rog actualizează PROGRAMNAME cu folosind versiunea de mai jos
and it should be:
please upgrade PROGRAMNAME to the version below.

[11:03:57] Manager: for get rid of problem

which would mean in Romanian:
pentru scapă de problemă
and it should be:
to get rid of the problem

if the issue is realy in progres in your side, you can not your commments
otherwise please link it to the development issue. For the similiar requests 
in the future please do not send such cases to product team.

which would mean in Romanian:
dacă problema este cu adevărat în progres în partea voastră, puteți nu comentarii altfel vă rog legați de problema de dezvoltare. Pentru probleme similare în viitor rog nu trimiteți așa cazuri la echipa de produs.
and it should be:
if the issue really is progressing in your side, you can not put your comments here; otherwise, please link it to the development issue. For similar requests in the future, please do not send such cases to product team.

these data will be recover since lunch time

which would mean in Romanian:
aceste data vor fi recuperat începând ora prânzului
and it should be:
this data will be recovered starting lunch time

Please share your comments till tomorrow night ,if you have still complains ,we
 will take another action 

which would mean in Romanian:
Vă rog oferiți comentariile până mâine la noapte, dacă aveți reclamații inerte, vom lua altă acțiune
and it should be:
Please share your comments by tomorrow night. If you still have complaints, we’ll take another action.

We discussed with MANAGERNAME and this will be the most fastest solution.

which would mean in Romanian:
Am discutat cu NUMEMANAGER și aceasta va fi cea mai mult rapidă soluție
and it should be:
We have discussed with MANAGERNAME and this will be the fastest solution

To be followed.

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